Что почитать: свежие записи из разных блогов

Записи с тэгом #Slip the Veil из разных блогов

Beramode, блог «Faded Fantasy»


In order to properly care for things

They must be loved

And touched


Want to give it

A go?

Beramode, блог «Faded Fantasy»


I am aware that I am less than some people prefer me to be, but most people are unaware that I am so much more than what they see.

Beramode, блог «Faded Fantasy»


I don’t often miss people.

I miss vibes, energies and connections.

Beramode, блог «Faded Fantasy»


I live my own life and nurse my own wounds. It’s not the best way to live. But it’s the way I am.

Beramode, блог «Faded Fantasy»


Beramode, блог «Faded Fantasy»


You are here, you are here, you intoxicate me, I sense you.

Beramode, блог «Faded Fantasy»


Books became my life, or maybe I should say books became the way I escaped from my life.

Beramode, блог «Faded Fantasy»


That night was nothing but getting to know how smooth your body is. The memory of it goes through me like brandy.

Beramode, блог «Faded Fantasy»


Save your energy: don’t entertain toxic people.

Beramode, блог «Faded Fantasy»


There are some things you don’t learn about yourself until you let someone else into the most intimate places of your heart.

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